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Swipeable (iOS)

Set a slider item to either left or right on iOS.

Light Theme


On the flatlist

This component can be used in the FlatList component.

This component can be used in the list that has a rendering limit of up to 10 items. If you need to implement it in a dynamic list, use the FlatList component.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Alert, FlatList, Platform, View } from 'react-native';

// React Native UI DevKit
import { Item, ISwipeableProps, Separator, Divider } from 'react-native-ui-devkit';

let lastOpened: number = -1;
const App = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState([
{ _id: 1, title: 'Item 1' },
{ _id: 2, title: 'Item 2' },
{ _id: 3, title: 'Item 3' }

const closeLastOpened = (index: number) => {
lastOpened != index && data[lastOpened]?.ref?.closeActions();
lastOpened = index;

const _render = ({ item, index, separators }) => {
data[index].separators = separators;

const _item: ISwipeableProps = {
title: item.title,
separator: {
data: [data[index - 1], item],
swipeable: {
left: [
icon: { name: 'pin', type: 'material-community', color: '#fff', size: 22 },
backgroundColor: '#FF9500',
onPress: () => {
item.ref?.hideItem && item.ref?.hideItem(() => {
data.splice(index, 1);
}, 'left');
icon: { name: 'chatbubble-sharp', type: 'ionicons', color: '#fff', size: 22 },
backgroundColor: '#007AFF',
onPress: () => Alert.alert('Warning', 'Left Item 2'),
right: [
icon: { name: 'trash', type: 'ionicons', color: '#fff', size: 22 },
backgroundColor: '#FF3B30',
onPress: () => {
Alert.alert('Warning', 'Right Item 1', [
text: 'Cancel',
onPress: () => { }
text: 'Ok',
onPress: async () => {
item.ref?.hideItem && item.ref?.hideItem(() => {
data.splice(index, 1);
}, 'right');

icon: { name: 'bell-off', type: 'material-community', color: '#fff', size: 22 },
backgroundColor: '#5856D6',
onPress: () => { Alert.alert('Warning', 'Right Item 2'); }
icon: { name: 'share-outline', type: 'ionicons', color: '#fff', size: 22 },
backgroundColor: '#32ADE6',
onPress: () => { Alert.alert('Warning', 'Right Item 3'); }
onBegan: () => {
onPress: async () => { }

return (
<Item ref={(ref) => item.ref = ref} key={item._id} data={_item} index={index} count={data.length} />

return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
ItemSeparatorComponent={(props) => { return <Separator props={props} start={Platform.OS == 'ios' ? 15 : 20} /> }}
onScrollBeginDrag={() => { closeLastOpened(-1); }}
ListFooterComponent={<Divider />}
</View >

export default App;



This property receives an interface for configuring the swipeable.

Type: ISwipeableProps

header (optional)

Inserts a native header into the Item. For use on Android, set headerOnAndroid equal to true.

Type: string

headerOnAndroid (optional)

If you want to render the header on Android, set it to true.

Only supported Android.

Type: boolean

headerToTitle (optional)

If used, it will replace the item title with the header, if any.

Only supported Android.

Type: boolean

Inserts a native footer into the Item. For use on Android, set footerOnAndroid equal to true.

Type: string

footerOnAndroid (optional)

If you want to render the footer on Android, set it to true.

Only supported Android.

Type: boolean

tabletIpadMenuType (optional)

Defines whether the item will have the characteristics of a Tablet or iPad navigation menu style item.

Supports Tablet and iPad only.

Type: boolean

index (optional)

Sets the index of an item. It can be used to join items together to form a list. Used in conjunction with count.

Only supported In the item.

Type: count

count (optional)

Defines when items have a certain list. Used in conjunction with index.

Only supported In the item.

Type: number

style (optional)

Set a custom style for the item.

Type: ViewStyle

flex (optional)

Defines the main view of the item with style flex 1.

Only supported In the item.

Type: boolean

marginTop (optional)

The marginTop is set by default according to each platform and version, to remove it simply set it to false.

Type: boolean

separators (optional)

To remove the item's native top and bottom separator, set it to false.

Only supported iOS < 15.

Type: boolean

expanded (optional)

If you want to expand the item, set it to true. On iOS < 15 is already set as default, so it has no effect.

Type: boolean


openLeftActions (iOS)

Method responsible for opening the swipeable from left to right.

Type: async () => void

openRightActions (iOS)

Method responsible for opening the swipeable from right to left.

Type: async () => void

closeActions (iOS)

Method responsible for closing the swipeable both left and right.

Type: async () => void

hideItem (iOS)

Method responsible for creating the transaction to hide the item after executing the swipeable.

Type: (async () => void, side: 'left' | 'right') => void



This interface receives parameter data and values for swipeable configuration.

Type: object

  • icon

    Defines the icon to be used on the item.

    Type: icon
  • title

    Defines the title to be used on the item.

    Type: string
  • description

    Defines the description to be used on the item. The behavior of this property follows the native standard for each platform, Android / iOS.

    Type: string
  • subdescription iOS

    Similar to description rendering on Android.

    Type: string
  • component

    Defines a custom component in place of the item.

    Type: ReactNode
  • disabled

    Disable the item.

    Type: boolean
  • loading

    Sets the item as loading and disables it. If the item is of type action, collapsible, switch, checkbox or radio, it will be replaced with an activity indicator.

    Type: boolean
  • padding

    The item padding comes by default according to each platform, if you want to remove the padding just change it to false.

    Type: boolean
  • badge

    Defines a small circle that displays a number or text and will be displayed on the right side of the item.

    Type: badge
  • color

    Sets the color of the item title and description.
    The color in the description is only compatible with Android.

    Type: color
  • separator

    Sets the separator properties of the above item.

    Type: separator
  • style

    Set a custom style for the item on the list.

    Type: ViewStyle
  • swipeable iOS

    Configure up to 3 actions on the left side and up to 3 actions on the right side.

    Type: swipeable
  • onPress

    Performing an action when clicking the button.

    Type: async () => void
  • onLongPress

    Performing an action by holding down the button.

    Type: async () => void

Type Definitions


Defines the icon to be used on the item.

Type: object

name: string, // Defines the icon name.
type: "antdesign" | "entypo" | "evilicons" | "feather" | "font-awesome" | "font-awesome5" | "font-awesome5pro" | "fontisto" | "foundation" | "ionicons" | "material-community" | "material" | "octicons" | "simplelineicons" | "zocial" | "sfsymbol", // Sets the icon type.
size: number, // Sets the icon size.
color: string, // Sets the icon color.
backgroundColor: string, // Sets the background color of the icon.
component: ReactNode // Defines a custom component in place of the icon.


Defines a small circle that displays a number or text and will be displayed on the right side of the item.

Type: object

value: string, // Determines the value to be printed inside the badge.
// Setting text and badge colors
color: {
text: string, // Sets the text color
badge: string // Sets the badge color


Sets the color of the item title and description.
The color in the description is only compatible with Android.

Type: object

title: string, // Sets the color of the item title.
description: string // Sets the color of the item description. Only supported Android.


Sets the separator properties of the above item.

Type: object

start: number, // Defines where the separator will start.
index: number, // Used in conjunction with FlatList, it receives the index of the item in question.
data: [{}, {}] // Used in conjunction with FlatList, it receives an array of 2 items. The first item must be the previous item in the FlatList, and the second item must be the Item in question.


onfigure up to 3 actions on the left side and up to 3 actions on the right side.

Type: object

// Set up to 3 actions on the left side for swiping.
left: [{
// Defines the icon to be used on the swipeable.
icon: {
name: string, // Defines the icon name.
type: "antdesign" | "entypo" | "evilicons" | "feather" | "font-awesome" | "font-awesome5" | "font-awesome5pro" | "fontisto" | "foundation" | "ionicons" | "material-community" | "material" | "octicons" | "simplelineicons" | "zocial" | "sfsymbol", // Sets the icon type.
size: number, // Sets the icon size.
color: string, // Sets the icon color.
component: ReactNode // Defines a custom component in place of the icon.
backgroundColor: string, // Sets the background color of the swipeable.
closeOnPress: boolean, // Sets the slider to close when clicked.
onPress: async () => void // Performing an action when clicking the swipeable. @returns void
// Set up to 3 actions on the right side for swiping.
right: [{
// Defines the icon to be used on the swipeable.
icon: {
name: string, // Defines the icon name.
type: "antdesign" | "entypo" | "evilicons" | "feather" | "font-awesome" | "font-awesome5" | "font-awesome5pro" | "fontisto" | "foundation" | "ionicons" | "material-community" | "material" | "octicons" | "simplelineicons" | "zocial" | "sfsymbol", // Sets the icon type.
size: number, // Sets the icon size.
color: string, // Sets the icon color.
component: ReactNode // Defines a custom component in place of the icon.
backgroundColor: string, // Sets the background color of the swipeable.
closeOnPress: boolean, // Sets the slider to close when clicked.
onPress: async () => void // Performing an action when clicking the swipeable. @returns void
byMethod: boolean, // Determines whether sliding can only occur through the openLeftActions or
heightEffect: number, // Sets the height of the effect,
onBegan: async () => void // Performing an action when clicking the swipeable item. @returns void